VK.com adalah situs jejaring sosial yang mirip facebook, friendster, shtyle dll. Dalam rangka promosi situsnya vk.com mengadakan kontes khusus membernya yang berasal dari indonesia
Kontes ini berhadiah Apple iPod nano (lihat gambar). Kontes dimulai 6 Pebruari sampai 20 pebruari 2010. Untuk mengikuti kontes ini harus menjadi member vk.com terlebih dahulu.
Untuk menjadi member vk.com bisa daftar disini atau klik daftar.
Untuk lebih jelasnya syarat untuk mengikuti kontes ini saya copas aja dari situsnya
Contest for Indonesia
We are holding a new contest for users from Indonesia.
The 40 participants who invite the most number of friends to the site during the contest will win prizes.
Competition begins: on February 6, 2010 at 2:00 a.m.
Competition ends: on February 20, 2010 at 2:00 a.m.
Terms and Conditions
* 1. The first 40 participants to invite the most users to the site before February 20, 2010 at 2:00 a.m. will win.
* 2. All information is in real time using the table with participants' current ratings.
* 3. Only invitations where users use their real names and universities and which upload a photo are counted.
* 4. Repeat registrations do not count.
* 5. Only users whose telephone number begins with +62 (Indonesia) are counted.
* 6. Please do not try to win the competition by cheating. Our experience in running similar competitions in the past allows us to recognise any such attempts of unfair play. Any participant found to be cheating will be disqualified without warning.
Method for Inviting Friends
Only those friends invited using the following methods are counted:
* Using your personal link to invite new users:
* Massively import users using the service.
* Invite using our invitation service.
Daftar aja ngak ada ruginya koq, lumayan iseng2 berhadiah