Having problem with Maxtor 80, 130, or more GB?
If your PC can not automatically support and address hard drive larger than 512 MB or 80 Gb.This is because the old versions of ROM BIOS. which is used during the startup process when the computer is booting, can not handle large hard disk. One solution to this problem can be solved with the disk manager.
This problem affects old PC’s that are at least 8 years old and which aren’t equipped with plug and play. Yet many of those old computers are still in use and that can not be equipped with a new BIOS ROM.
you can find the disk manager for maxtor hard disk here.
If your PC can not automatically support and address hard drive larger than 512 MB or 80 Gb.This is because the old versions of ROM BIOS. which is used during the startup process when the computer is booting, can not handle large hard disk. One solution to this problem can be solved with the disk manager.
This problem affects old PC’s that are at least 8 years old and which aren’t equipped with plug and play. Yet many of those old computers are still in use and that can not be equipped with a new BIOS ROM.
you can find the disk manager for maxtor hard disk here.